Half Term Camps

Our Holiday Camps start at 10am and finish at 3pm, with an hour lunch break at 12pm till 1pm. You are welcome to arrive any time between 9am and 10am at no extra cost.

Arrival time: 9am – 10am – football free time till 10am
Morning Session: 10am – 12pm
Lunchtime: 12pm - 1pm
Afternoon Session: 1pm - 3pm
Pick Up Time: 3pm.

All Day Sessions;

The sessions we plan for our half term classes will consist of skills based morning session, finishing off with either crossing/shooting drills or a small sided match. This will be the more working and technical session, as well as it being enjoyable. Then the afternoon will consist of small sided competitive games, with points to earn and a tournament to win. This will be the session which is the most enjoyable which is why we leave it till last, and also so the children have something in the back of their minds to look forward to come the end of the session.

Although all children have loads of energy, if you are thinking whether this will be too tough for them to do 2 sessions in 1 day, we want you to know that they will have long enough recovery in between, and we also will be able to tell how they are feeling and can adjust the session so it is suitable for their condition. We will also ask them how they are feeling before the sessions begin, as everybody's recovery speed is different.

Equipment and Clothing Needed;

Children will need shin pads, trainers or football boots, enough layers to keep warm, a lunch meal and drinks. Trousers and shorts are both fine, as long as they feel comfortable. If a child runs out of drink, we will have refills available for everyone so no one is dehydrated before, during or after sessions. Football kits are not essential, it is fine if a child isn't wearing football kit as there will be bibs present at the session to put children into teams when appropriate. The lunch meal is also important for their recovery, so the healthier, the better!

Even though the half term sessions last all day, you do not have to sign up for the whole day, you can sign up for just a morning session or just an afternoon session

We aim to improve and enjoy.